Thursday 25 March 2010

Textual analysis of Music Video3 [updated]

Beyonce - single ladies

For this rnb Genre, there is no narrative. Beyonce the artist and two talented dancers are dancing to the song with difficult moves to make it look effective.
They held auditions for the two dancers and they had to be over 5 ft 7 to participate.
Her dance routines hs got moves all from the genre of rnb and hip hop. Moves such as popping and booty shakin'.

The setting is clearly based in a studio with white drapes. but the studio is defineatle spacious for them to be able to have a lot of space to dance in. High key and Low key lighting was use din this music video. Depending on what part of the song was on the key of lighting would change. This is to add emphasis to the change of verse or chorus. Sticking to the theme of black and white, she may relate this to the audience thats shes targeted. The fact that rnb was orginally started with black people and that now the multicultural society is bringing them together and that the genre is for both black and white people.

In this Video, the camera techniques are very effective. it looks like they had one camera with more than one take and the camera was on a crane. It looks veryy effective when it looks like the camera does a 360 turn round the girls dancing but actually the studio is only a 180 degrees rule. But this worked because of the way the dance was choreographed to make it looke like she is actually turning. Also effects have been included. The camera had a alot of movement and the movements were very smooth obvisouly because it had the advantage of it being on a crane. The camera shots had the choice to have a huge variety of shots but stuck to just being a long shot for the majority of the video but this was very effectvie and gave the impression to the audience of her having control.

The costume was very flaunting and figure hugging as she is an inspiration to all the curvy women and for this reason is a celebrity that many audiences look up to. She has stuck to the black and white theme by wearing a black leotard. But i noticed she wore a slightly different type to her backing dancers to make her stand out a little more as she is the artist. Her hair and make up is very big to emphasise her character, personality and dance steps. When she jumps for example her big hair will emphasise on the dance move.

The soundtrack is single ladies by Beyonce Knowles.

From watching this video through, there has been a few edits added to it. The most obvious edit will be the fact that its black and white not colour. i did Notice that quite a lot of shots have been cut into one another. this is to keep the flow of the routine going and not to distract the audience.
Also when the camera did a 360 degree turn, they must of put some kind of effect on that to make it look like there was just a blank wall rather than where the camera crain operator and the gallery was.
Beyonce is wearing a ring in this video and it sparkles, so they must have used a lens flare effect. This is also to catch the audiences eye, not onlt to promote the song, but actually the lyrics inside the song. - an example of 180 degree rule.

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